Quiz loading speed

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In most cases, if you experience quiz loading issues, this could be due to other resources loading in your store which are slowing the rendering of your site. Here’s what you can do to check it:

Step 1: Check a direct link to the quiz

If that happens first check the direct link to your quiz (which bypasses your website, as the quiz is stored in our servers). For example, a link like this:

https://admin.revenuehunt.com/public/quiz/rkHm6Y or https://skincarequiz.myshopify.com/#quiz-rkHm6Y 

Where rkHm6Y is the quiz ID. You can generate a direct link to the quiz also via the Share -> External tab.

The quiz is usually loading in <1 second. If it loads fast on your end, it usually means that the problem is not related to the quiz itself but other resources on your website.

Step 2: Check loading order

To check which resources are loaded on your website you should inspect the website with the right mouse click. Then check the Network or Performance tabs for loading speed.

SOLUTION: Load the quiz iFrame directly to bypass the embed.js script.

Instead of pasting this code in your homepage:

<div class="rh-widget rh-inline" data-url="https://admin.revenuehunt.com/public/quiz/rkHm6Y" style="margin: 10px auto; width: 100%; height: 600px; display: flex;"></div>

Paste this code:

<div class="rh-inline" data-url="https://admin.revenuehunt.com/public/quiz/rkHm6Y" style="margin: 10px auto; width: 100%; height: 600px; display: flex;"><iframe src="https://admin.revenuehunt.com/public/quiz/rkHm6Y" id="DPIyZ" style="transform-style: preserve-3d; padding: 0px; border: medium none; margin: 0px auto; height: 100%; flex-grow: 1; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url(&quot;https://admin.revenuehunt.com/rolling.svg&quot;) no-repeat scroll center center;" data-hj-allow-iframe="true"></iframe></div>

This second block of code includes the quiz iFrame directly. This will start rendering the quiz before the embed.js code is loaded.

Step 3: Contact your developer

Additionally, I’d suggest getting in touch with your developer to clean up the resources which are loaded on your store in order to improve your website’s loading speed.



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