Questions Every Product Recommendation Quiz Should Have (and How to Build Them)

8-8-2024     Tips & Tricks

A product recommendation quiz is a great e-shop tool for personalizing the shopping experience, gathering customer insights, and driving sales. At RevenueHunt, we’ve designed our Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz app to help e-commerce stores build effective quizzes that resonate with their audience.

Here’s a detailed guide on the essential question types every product recommendation quiz should include, divided into clear categories.


Introductory and Concluding Slides


1. Welcome Message

The Welcome Message is the first slide in your quiz. It’s an introductory slide that explains the quiz’s purpose and encourages users to start.

๐Ÿ‘‰ The Welcome Message sets a positive tone for the quiz and encourages users to start, enhancing engagement from the outset.

All types of businesses can benefit from a warm, inviting introduction, particularly those in the retail, beauty, and lifestyle sectors.

Example: “Welcome to our personalized skincare quiz! Answer a few questions to find the perfect products for your skin type. Let’s get started!”


๐Ÿ’ก Tip: Upload images or videos into your Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz slides to grab the customer’s attention and reduce drop-off. Visual quizzes sell better.


2. Thank You Message

The concluding slide of the quiz lets the customers know they are about to see the results and gives them a chance to change their answers (if needed).

๐Ÿ‘‰ A Thank You Message expresses gratitude, leaves a positive final impression, and provides a call to action to view results or take the next step.

All businesses can benefit from ending the quiz on a positive note and encouraging further engagement.

Example: “Thank you for completing our quiz! Click below to see your personalized product recommendations.”


Multiple Choice and Selection Questions


3. Multiple Choice

This slide type allows users to select one or multiple answers from a list of clickable options.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Multiple Choice questions allow users to select one or more answers, providing flexibility and clear options for user preferences.

Types of Businesses that should use Multiple-choice slides include Beauty and skincare (product types used), Electronics (preferred features), Home decor (styles or themes).

Example: “Which skincare products do you currently use?” Cleanser / Toner/ Serum / Moisturizer


๐Ÿ’ก Tip: You can allow multiple-selection for any slide in question settings.


4. Yes/No

The Yes/No question type presents two clickable options, suitable for binary questions.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Yes/No questions provide quick, straightforward answers, ideal for gathering zero-party data efficiently.

Types of Businesses that should use Yes/No questions include Subscription services (subscription interest), Health and wellness (specific habits), Fashion (style preferences).


Example: “Do you use sunscreen daily?”


5. Pictures Choice

This type of slide uses images as clickable choices, making it visually engaging and useful for product-based questions.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Pictures Choice questions make the quiz visually engaging and help users make decisions based on visual preferences, enhancing user experience.

Types of Businesses that should use Picture Choices include Fashion and accessories (style preferences), Home decor (preferred aesthetics), Food and beverage (favorite dishes).

Example: “Which of these products appeals to you the most?”


6. Dropdown

The Dropdown question type offers multiple choices displayed in a dropdown menu, ideal for questions with many options.

๐Ÿ‘‰ The Dropdown question is ideal for presenting multiple options in a compact format, making it easier for users to select from a long list without overwhelming them.

Types of Businesses that should use a dropdown question in their quiz include Apparel and accessories (for sizes or styles), Beauty and skincare (for specific concerns or skin types), Food and beverage (for flavor preferences).

Example:ย  “What is your primary skin goal/concern?” Acne / Aging / Dryness / Sensitivity / Increase brightness / etc.


Open-ended Questions


7. Short-text

An open-question slide allows users to provide brief text answers that they type themselves.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Short-text questions allow for open-ended responses, allowing users to provide personalized feedback or specific information.

Types of Businesses that should ask open-ended questions include Beauty and skincare (specific concerns), Health and wellness (personal goals), Custom products (specific requirements).


Example: “What is your main skincare goal?”


8. Multi-line Text

Similar to Short-text but allows for longer responses, useful for more detailed answers.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Multi-line Text questions are suitable for detailed responses, useful for gathering comprehensive feedback or detailed user input.

Types of Businesses that should ask longer open-ended questions include Consulting services (detailed inquiries), Custom products (detailed specifications), Health and wellness (detailed personal information).


Example: “Describe your current skincare routine.”


Personal Information Collection


๐Ÿ’ก Tip: You can join multiple slides into one for a smoother personal-data collection.


9. Name

Collects the user’s name, which is essential for personalization.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Collecting the user’s name personalizes the quiz and the subsequent communications, fostering a more personal connection.

All businesses benefit from personalizing interactions and communications.


Example: “What is your name?”



10. Email Address

Collects the user’s email address for follow-up and marketing.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Collecting email addresses allows for follow-up communications, marketing, and nurturing leads.

All businesses should add an email question to their product quiz to build email lists for marketing and follow-up.

Example: “What is your email address?” or โ€œGet the most out of our recommendations! Sign up for our newsletter to receive special offers and expert skincare advice.โ€.


๐Ÿ’ก Tip: Check our latest article on how to ask to marketing consent in your Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz.


11. Phone Number

Collects the user’s phone number, useful for SMS marketing or customer support.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Phone numbers are useful for more direct communication, such as SMS marketing or customer support follow-ups.

Types of Businesses that should have a phone number question in their quiz include Customer support services, Subscription services and High-value product retailers.

Example: “What is your phone number?” or “Receive the recommendations on your phone! Leave your phone number below.”


Quantitative and Date Information


12. Number

Prompts users to input a numerical answer, useful for quantifiable data.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Number questions gather quantitative data, which is useful for measuring or counting user responses.

Types of Businesses that can benefit from a Number question in their quiz include Fitness (number of workouts per week), Beauty and skincare (number of products used), Financial services (income range).

Example: “How many skincare products do you use daily?”



13. Date

Prompts the user to select or enter a specific date, useful for questions involving timing or age.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Date questions are essential for capturing date-specific information, such as birthdays or appointment scheduling.

Types of Businesses that should use Data questions include Subscription services (start dates), Health and wellness (appointment scheduling), Events and entertainment (event dates).

Example: “When is your birthday?”


Legal and Compliance


14. Legal Terms/GDPR

Displays legal terms or GDPR information with options to accept or decline.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Including Legal Terms/GDPR slides ensures compliance with legal requirements and builds trust with users by transparently addressing privacy and data use.

All businesses should have a GDPR question in their quiz to ensure legal compliance and transparency.

Example: “Do you agree to our terms and conditions?”


๐Ÿ’ก Tip: Use Markdown language in your Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz to add a link to your privacy policy directly into the question.


File Upload and Informational Slides


15. File Upload

Allows users to upload a file as their response, ideal for before/after photos or documents.

๐Ÿ‘‰ File Upload questions allow users to submit files, ideal for gathering visual evidence, documents, or any relevant files.

Types of Businesses that could use File upload questions include Beauty and skincare (before/after photos), Custom products (design files), Professional services (document submission).

Example: “Upload a photo of your skin.”


16. Statement

The Statement slide displays text and a button to proceed, perfect for providing information or instructions.

๐Ÿ‘‰ The Statement slide is useful for providing context, instructions, or important information before users proceed, ensuring clarity and engagement.

All businesses can benefit from providing instructions, important information, or transition statements.

Example: “Great! Now let’s get into some details about your skin.”


Best Practices for Creating Quiz Questions

Here are some best practices to ensure your product recommendation quiz is as effective as possible:

โ˜‘๏ธ Keep It Simple. Using clear language in quiz questions is crucial. This ensures users can easily understand and respond to each question. Simple language improves the user experience and increases the likelihood of quiz completion.

โ˜‘๏ธ Make It Visual. Incorporate images, videos, and graphics into your quiz to make it more engaging. Visual elements can help illustrate questions and answers more effectively, making the quiz more enjoyable and visually appealing.

โ˜‘๏ธ Personalize Where Possible. Personalizing questions based on user responses can significantly improve engagement and the accuracy of product recommendations. Tailoring the quiz experience to individual users makes them feel valued and understood.


๐Ÿ’ก Tip: You can use Information Recalls in your Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz to recall the customer’s previous answers such as a name or a skintype.


By adding these question types to your product recommendation quiz, you can create an engaging experience that not only gathers valuable customer data but also provides personalized product recommendations.

Each question type serves a unique purpose, ensuring your quiz is both informative and enjoyable for users.