Quick Tips Before You Build Your First Product Recommendation Quiz (from RevenueHunt team)

19-9-2024     eCommerce Tips & Tricks

Building your first e-commerce shop quiz can be a challenging endeavor. The right quiz can transform your store’s customer engagement, driving higher conversions and personalized shopping experiences but it is a bit of work to set up.

At RevenueHunt, we’ve gathered insights from our 👩🏻‍💻 support team to help Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz users craft quizzes that not only recommend the perfect products but also resonate with their audience.

This guide is packed with📝 short practical tips to ensure your product recommendation quiz is a success from the start. You’ll find here everything you need to build a powerful e-commerce tool that converts browsers into buyers.


Follow these expert tips to create a quiz that engages your audience, boosts your sales, and elevates your e-commerce strategy:



☑️ Start with a compelling hook! Your quiz needs a strong introduction to capture attention immediately. A catchy title and an enticing first question are crucial.

Quiz Type Title First Question
Fitness Equipment Quiz Find the Perfect Workout Gear for Your Fitness Goals! What’s your primary fitness objective?
Haircare Quiz Get Your Ideal Haircare Routine in Minutes! What’s your main hair concern?
Nutrition Supplement Quiz Discover the Best Supplements for Your Health Goals! What’s your primary health goal?
Pet Care Quiz Find the Best Products for Your Pet’s Needs! What type of pet do you have?
Makeup Quiz Find Your Perfect Makeup Match! What’s your go-to makeup look?
Outdoor Adventure Gear Quiz Gear Up for Your Next Adventure! What’s your favorite outdoor activity?
Skincare Quiz Discover Your Perfect Skincare Routine! What’s your primary skincare goal?

☑️ Ask questions that feel natural and relevant to the user’s shopping experience, such as their skin concerns or favorite makeup brands, rather than 🚫 overtly asking for personal data.

☑️ Show empathy and understanding in the language used throughout the quiz. Acknowledge the user’s concerns and preferences, creating a connection.

💡Tip: In Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz you can use Information Recalls to recall previous customer answers in other parts of the quiz.

☑️ Mention a 🎁 reward at the start, such as a personalized product recommendation or a special discount, to encourage users to finish the quiz.


Quiz Building

✔️ Keep the quiz ⏰ short! Customers shouldn’t see more than 5-6 questions, otherwise they will lose interest in completing the quiz. If you can’t keep it short, break down the quiz into small, manageable steps with a progress bar. This makes the quiz feel less overwhelming and keeps users motivated to complete it.

✔️ Arrange questions in a logical order, starting with general preferences and moving towards specific needs. This creates a sense of ease and coherence.

✔️ Provide instant feedback on selections, such as “Great choice! This is one of our most common complaints from people with combination skin.”

💡Tip: In Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz you can use Conditional Logic to branch your quiz based on the customer answers.

how to hide content with logic jump logic

✔️ Collect small amounts of information at different stages rather than all at once. For example, ask for email addresses only after the user has engaged with several questions.

💡Tip: Check out this great guide on how to effectively ask for marketing/data in your product recommendation quiz.

✔️ Ensure the quiz is fully optimized for mobile devices. Use images optimized for mobile and ensure the interface is intuitive on smaller screens.

💡Tip: All quizzes created with Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz app are automatically optimized for both desktop and mobile viewing.



Visuals & CTA’s

☑️ This may be shocking but quiz visual is not the most important thing! Start with a basic template, ensure that the quiz recommends the right products, add some picture choices or upload background images but don’t fuss over the shape or color of the buttons. Publish a basic quiz first, check how it does with your audience, and only then invest time and effort into perfecting the quiz look.

💡Tip: At RevenueHunt, we work with thousands of e-commerce merchants who use a product recommendation quiz. We’ve got plenty of customers who make amazing conversions with just a basic quiz template.

☑️ Incorporate elements that create a sense of urgency or scarcity, such as limited-time offers or low-stock alerts at the end of the quiz.

💡Tip: Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz gives an option to add dynamic discounts to your results page to encourage customers to shop more with a bigger discount.

☑️ Display testimonials, product reviews or the number of users who have taken the quiz and found their perfect product. This leverages the bandwagon effect.

☑️ Use image-based answers instead of text where possible. For instance, show pictures of different skin tones, hair types, or makeup styles for users to select. This highly increases the user’s interest and lowers the drop-off rate.

☑️ If you use many visuals, ensure they are all consistent with your brand’s colors and style to create a cohesive experience.



✔️ Quality, NOT Quantity! Quiz results are supposed to help the customer choose the right products. Best converting quizzes recommend 1 single product that matches all the customer criteria or (in the case of beauty stores) a routine with 1 product per step. Recommending too many products will negatively impact your quiz sales.

how to build a succesful quiz image7

✔️ Tailor the results page with personalized product recommendations based on quiz responses. Highlight how each product addresses the user’s specific needs.

✔️ Ensure that users can easily add recommended products to their cart from the results page. Include quick add-to-cart buttons and links to product pages.

✔️ Offer rewards like discount codes or loyalty points upon quiz completion. Incorporate badges for completing quizzes, which can be displayed in user profiles.


After the Quiz

☑️ Send personalized emails with the quiz results and recommended products. Include a reminder of the reward for completing the quiz, like a discount code.

💡Tip: Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz has a built-in option to send personalized result emails after quiz completion

how to send result emails html template

☑️ Use the data gathered to create targeted ads on social media platforms, showing users the products they were recommended in the quiz.




By following this advice, you can ensure that your first e-commerce quiz will be a resounding success. Think of your quiz not just as a tool but as a 💬 conversation—one that’s fun, engaging, and perfectly tailored to each customer. The beauty of e-commerce is that every shopper is unique, and your quiz has the power to recognize that and deliver something truly personal.

Don’t worry if the first version isn’t perfect. 🛠️ Launch, learn, and improve—because the most successful quizzes evolve with time. 🤔 Keep testing new ideas, listen to what your audience responds to, and soon enough, your quiz will be a powerful engine driving both sales and loyalty.

Now, go build that quiz! Create something that not only helps your customers but also makes shopping more enjoyable for them. The potential is endless, and you’re just getting started.