How to Automate Post-Quiz Emails Using Shopify Flows

25-7-2024     Sales Funnels Shopify Apps

While Product Recommendation Quizzes help e-commerce businesses improve conversion rates, a well-set-up post-quiz email flow can significantly boost your e-commerce sales. One way to do this is by setting up post-quiz email flows using Shopify Flows and the Shop Quiz: Product Recommender app by RevenueHunt.

These tools work together to automate follow-up emails tailored to the preferences your customers share through quizzes. This process not only boosts engagement and sales but also gives you valuable insights into what your customers want.

Here’s how you can set up these automated email flows to get the most out of your customer data and why it works:


Shop Quiz: Product Recommender + Shopify Flow = 10x Sales


Shop Quiz: Product Recommender +

Shop Quiz: Product Recommender by RevenueHunt is an interactive app designed to create personalized product recommendation quizzes in Shopify. These quizzes help gather detailed customer preferences and information, speed-up the shopping experience and provide tailored product suggestions.


+ Shopify Flow

Shopify Flow is an automation tool within Shopify that allows merchants to create custom workflows to automate repetitive tasks and processes. It helps streamline operations, reduce manual work, and improve efficiency by triggering specific actions based on predefined conditions.


= 10x Sales

When these two apps work together, Shop Quiz collects essential customer data, including email, phone number, name, and custom tags based on quiz responses. This data is then sent to Shopify Customers, where it can be utilized by Shopify Flow to automate follow-up actions. For example, when a customer completes a quiz and provides their information, Shopify Flow can automatically trigger personalized email campaigns, add customer tags, or perform other marketing actions based on the quiz results.

This integration allows for highly personalized marketing efforts, ensuring customers receive relevant product recommendations and follow-up communications. It enhances customer engagement, boosts conversion rates, and provides valuable insights into customer preferences, all while automating the workflow to save time and effort for the merchant.


Why Set Up Post-Quiz Email Flows?

🎯 Personalized Customer Experience: Tailored follow-up emails based on quiz responses ensure your customers receive relevant product recommendations. This personalization enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

📈 Boosted Conversion Rates: Targeted product recommendations from quiz data significantly increase the likelihood of purchases. This method turns casual browsers into buyers.

🔍 Enhanced Customer Insights: Gathering quiz responses provides invaluable data on customer preferences and behaviors, allowing you to refine your marketing strategies and product offerings.

🤖 Automated Marketing: Automating your email flows reduces manual effort, ensures timely communication, and makes sure no lead is missed. This streamlines your marketing process and improves overall efficiency.


Setting Up Post-Quiz Shopify Automation Flow


1️⃣ Create a Product Quiz with Shop Quiz App

Using Shop Quiz: Product Recommender app, design an interactive quiz to gather customer preferences. Make sure to ask relevant questions that will help lead the customer towards the products that meet all their criteria.

💡Tip: Check out this video guide on how to create your first Product Recommendation Quiz using the Shop Quiz: Product Recommender app.


2️⃣ Add Customer Tags to Choices

Assign specific customer tags to quiz responses. These tags are saved with each customer submission and help categorize customer preferences for targeted marketing campaigns.

📝 Note: You can create and add to choices as many customer tags as you like in the Shop Quiz: Product Recommender app.


3️⃣ Connect Your Shop Quiz to Shopify Customers

The Shop Quiz app integrates smoothly with Shopify. Once a user completes the quiz their personal data like their email, name or phone number as well as the customer tags from the quiz will be sent to their Shopify Customers profile.

how to send leads to shopify customers customer profile

📝 Note: Customer tags will show up with a prq_ prefix on the Shopify Customer profile, for exampleprq_oilyskin . This helps identify the tags that are coming from your Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz.

In order to have all the data sent to Shopify Customers like this, all you have to do is:

  1. Connect Your Quiz: Go to the Connect tab in your quiz settings and authorize integration with Shopify Customers. This enables the app to send quiz responses directly to Shopify.
  2. Publish Changes: Save and publish your changes to make the integration live, ensuring that all new quiz responses are sent to Shopify in real-time.


4️⃣ Create A New Automation in Shopify Flows

To automate the process of sending personalized follow-up emails based on quiz responses, you need to create a new automation in Shopify Flows like the one shown below.

how to shopify customers automation full cycle

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Create a New Automation: In your Shopify admin panel, go to Marketing > Automations and create a new custom automation.
  2. Set the Trigger: Choose ‘Customer Created’ as the trigger for the flow. This starts the automation whenever a new customer profile is created from a quiz response.
  3. how to send leads to shopify customers automation2
  4. Add Conditions: Use customer tags from the quiz responses to set conditions. For example, if a customer is tagged with prq_oilyskin, tailor the follow-up email to recommend products for oily skin.
  5. how to send leads to shopify customers automation3
  6. Configure the Email Action: Set up the action to send a marketing email using your preferred email template, ensuring the content is personalized based on the quiz data.
  7. how to send leads to shopify customers automation6
  8. Save and Activate: Save the automation and activate it to start the automated email flow immediately.


5️⃣ Monitor and Improve

Congratulations! 🎉 You’ve successfully set up an automated, personalized email flow that will improve your customer engagement and drive higher conversion rates.

Regularly monitor the performance of your email flows using Shopify’s analytics tools, paying attention to open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Based on the analytics and feedback, continually refine your email content to better meet customer needs and preferences.

💡 Tip: Implement A/B testing to compare different quiz and email strategies and determine which ones are most effective.



Using the Shop Quiz app with Shopify Flows offers a powerful solution for 🚀 automating personalized email marketing.

By using quiz data, you can enhance customer engagement, increase conversion rates, and gain valuable insights. Implementing these steps ensures an effective marketing workflow that drives business growth.

To get the most out of this system, it’s important to regularly monitor and tweak your email campaigns. Keep an eye on 📊 metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to see how well your emails are performing.

For detailed instructions on implementing a post-quiz email flow, check out the 📖 RevenueHunt Documentation.