Top 10 Tips for Small E-Retailers Competing Against Ecommerce Giants

7-11-2022     eCommerce Sales Funnels Sponsored Tips & Tricks

Top 10 Tips for Small E-Retailers Competing Against Ecommerce Giants

In the online business world, many small shops cannot compete with the big giant and cease to exist after a few years. Unfortunately, the same is often true for the online world of e-commerce.

Many e-commerce retailers can offer the same or similar products for less than a small store. So what does this mean? Does it make sense to open a small online store if you need to compete with large retailers constantly? 100% yes!

Fortunately, there are many specialized markets where your store with advanced features like request a quote for WooCommerce can compete and win, even if the eCommerce giant is doing everything it can to increase sales.

Here are some tips for small businesses competing with eCommerce giants:

1. Focus on niche products and services

No matter where you live, chances are there are several online stores where you can buy anything you want. So naturally, stores of this type prefer to throw a vast network to attract as many customers as possible. The problem is that they often need help to compete with specialized sites regarding special features.

If you’re starting, don’t try to compete at all levels. Instead, you need to keep the customer in mind and focus on those customers by offering the products and services they want. In many cases, filling a particular store can allow you to buy higher prices, so it’s a win-win scenario.

2. Use your ‘localness’ to your advantage

Online shopping just got easier. Why would a customer wait a day or two for something to ship when their local retailer can buy it within the same day or, better yet, within a few hours? Regular businesses need to see their “community” as a competitive advantage and demonstrate that they can deliver the products customers want and need faster than online retailers.

3. Optimize cross-device shopping experience

The number of smart devices is still growing, so customers often start their shopping journey with a smart speaker or phone and end it on a computer. In addition, the E-commerce platform Criteo found that mobile clicks or searches lead to more than 30% of all traffic on the computer.

Online stores should allow various devices to increase sales because 81% of consumers prefer not to have devices for shopping. And “no conflicts” means the client can continue the registration process with the new machine at the same level he stopped on the first gadget.

Seamless switching between devices can be achieved by storing customer data in the cloud and connecting across platforms. However, one should remember to educate the client and comfort his desire to purchase. Use targeted and time-based marketing such as email reminders and newsletters, social media and Google ads, and more arrangements.

4. Offer instant assistance

People come to your website and may need clarification about your products and offers. Worried?

Add a Product Recommendation Quiz or a chat answer to your website and start chatting with them to solve their problems. Live Chats or quizzes offer an “Analytics” section to help you know your visitor’s geographic location, product preferences, IP address, country, previous visits, etc. Now you can start customizing conversations with them in your way.

5. Create a loyalty program

Many retailers sponsor rewards programs that offer points toward future purchases. Take advantage of this. This can create long-term clients.

Offer a discount or a free purchase to any customer who spends more than $250 in a period. You can create a particular class of customers in many car dealerships who receive a discount. For example, my previous business used loyalty programs to encourage repeat holiday purchases.

6. Build engagement

It is essential to build genuine relationships with your existing and potential customers. Social media offers a great way to interact with your customers in real-time. However, only spray yourself with ads on some platforms. Instead, explore your options by looking at your audience to determine which social networks are best for you.

Create a web page to share product updates and valuable content to help your audience understand the value of what you have to offer. Try creating a forum or community group on your website to help users gather or host events. Speaking of events, there’s nothing better about a good show than getting a crowd together to have a good time. Advertise the event ahead of time to generate interest and ensure your topic is related to your products or services.

7. Win with product photography

One of the biggest problems in the e-commerce world is the inability to touch or feel what you are buying.

That’s why it’s essential to understand product photography well. Stock photos are no longer suitable. Having good product photos allows your customers to see what their products look like in person.

8. Offer something different

One of the incredible ways to compete with the eCommerce giants is to differentiate your online store from theirs. So how can you compete with a big business that already uses everything? Unfortunately, the answer is that there are things they don’t have.

Amazon might be best for those looking to buy books, but what if someone wants a gardening book?

It might be worth checking other sources first. But what if someone wants furniture or clothes after searching for “home decor”? This person may need help finding what they need on Amazon or eBay.

9. Offer subscription-based services

Offering a subscription is an excellent plan because it allows you to earn a steady, consistent income. Many supermarkets offer a subscription. Amazon, for example, provides the most popular service.

The fact that you run an online store means you should receive only some of your income from selling goods. You can also offer subscriptions for free monthly payment, discounts on your store, access to special sales, and more. Remember, however, whatever direction you choose when registering must be accompanied by your store’s products.

10. Emphasize your strengths

Stand out in the market and show your strength as business as usual. Change the way you buy and sell. Do fewer searches, offer more brands for those who “need it now,” and reduce your real estate impact. Sold for drop off or store pick up at a later date. Provide an online option for a remote customer. 

Final Thought

Partnerships can help drive traffic to your eCommerce site, increase sales, introduce new advertising channels and methods, and practice advertising. The best part is that you only pay for results, impressions, online visits, or purchases.

It is easy to identify ineffective methods and methods of promotion and replace them with more practical and effective programs. That’s why partnerships are a results-driven way to promote your business online.