Why Your Product Quiz is NOT Converting Well

1-8-2024     Sales Funnels Tips & Tricks

Product quizzes are a great way to personalize shopping experiences and boost sales, but sometimes they just don’t hit the mark. If your quiz isn’t converting as well as you’d like, you’re not alone.

Here are some common reasons why your quiz is not working well and how you can fix it.


🎯  You Don’t Have Clear Goals

If you don’t know what you want your quiz to achieve, it’s hard to make it effective. Are you trying to increase sales, gather customer data, or just engage your audience?

Without a clear purpose, your quiz might miss the mark.


Decide what you want your quiz to do. For instance, if you want to boost sales, make sure your questions help guide users to only the products you know they’ll love. Keep track of metrics that show you’re reaching your goals, like conversion rates and average order value.

Goal Solution
Increasing Sales
  • Define Sales Objectives: Set specific targets, like increasing average order value or boosting conversion rates by X%.
  • Tailored Product Recommendations: Ensure your quiz directs users to products they are more likely to buy based on their answers and that you don’t show too many products on your results page (recommending 1 product that matches all customer criteria is best).
Gathering Customer Data
  • Focus on Insights: Design questions that help you understand your customers’ preferences and behaviors.
  • Data Collection: Use the quiz to gather valuable information like email addresses, preferences, and pain points. You can easily download all the quiz responses or connect your quiz to GA4 for advanced behavioral analytics.
Engaging Your Audience
  • Interactive Elements: Include engaging and fun elements like images, videos, and gamified components. Visual quizzes maintain the customer’s attention.
  • Entertainment and Informative Value: Make sure the quiz is enjoyable and informative, keeping the audience interested but also feeling like they are learning something.


💡Tip: Check the Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz  Metrics & Analytics section for insights on your quiz engagement and sales.

💡Tip: Our latest article explains which Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz metrics are important and how to improve them.


🥱 Your Questions Are Boring

If your quiz is boring, users won’t stick around to finish it. A dull design, lack of interactivity, and uninspiring content can all lead to low engagement.

Long, complex, or irrelevant questions can also drive users away. If your questions are too generic, they won’t provide a personalized experience.


Make your quiz visually appealing and interactive. Use images, videos, and animations to keep it interesting. Add elements like progress bars and instant feedback to make the experience more fun.

Keep your questions short, sweet, and to the point. Make sure they’re relevant to what your customers care about. Use simple language and avoid jargon. Every question should help you understand your customers better or steer them toward the right product.

Goal Solution
Increasing Sales
  • Interactive Elements: Use interactive questions and features to keep users interested.
  • Relevant Questions, Direct Path to Purchase: Ask only questions that help narrow down the best products for the user. Ensure questions are geared towards identifying products that fit the user’s needs.
  • Product Highlights: Showcase product benefits and unique selling points throughout the product description in the quiz.
Gathering Customer Data
  • Fun Questions: Make data-gathering questions fun and engaging.
  • Rewards for Participation: Offer incentives for completing the quiz, like discounts or entries into a giveaway.
  • Insightful Queries: Include questions that provide deeper insights into customer preferences and demographics.
  • Progressive Profiling: Gradually gather more detailed information with each quiz interaction.
Engaging Your Audience
  • Entertaining Questions: Use questions that are fun and engaging, such as personality-based or lifestyle questions.
  • Gamification: Incorporate elements of gamification, such as progress bars and badges.
  • Visual Appeal: Incorporate images and videos to make questions more interesting.
  • Storytelling: Use a narrative approach to make the quiz more engaging.


💡Tip: Use Picture Questions to add images or animated gifs to your quiz choices in Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz.

💡Tip: You can upload images and videos to any quiz question in Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz.


🤔 Your Results Are Too Generic

If you recommend too many products to the customer, they still will not know what to put in their cart. Recommending too many products ads an extra decision step in the customer’s shopping journey.

If your quiz results aren’t personalized, users will feel like they wasted their time. Generic results won’t make users excited about your products.


Recommend a single product that matches all the customer criteria or a full routine with one product per step. This way the customer will know what to add to cart right away and it will significantly increase your conversion rate.

Use the data from the quiz to give personalized recommendations. Make sure the results are specific to each user’s answers. Highlight why these products are perfect for them.

Goal Solution
Increasing Sales
  • Personalized Recommendations: Provide highly tailored product suggestions based on quiz answers.
  • Highlight Benefits: Clearly explain why each recommended product is a great fit for the user.
Gathering Customer Data
  • Detailed Insights: Offer results that give users a deep understanding of their preferences and needs.
  • Encourage Profile Completion: Use results to prompt users to complete their profiles for even more personalized recommendations.
Engaging Your Audience
  • Interactive Results: Make the results page interactive, with clickable elements that lead to more content or products.
  • Shareable Outcomes: Create results that are fun to share on social media, increasing engagement.


💡Tip: Check here how to customize your Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz Results Page for better conversions.


📢 Weak Calls to Action (CTAs)

If your CTAs aren’t clear or strong, users might not know what to do next. This can lead to missed conversions.


Make your CTAs clear and direct. Whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Get Your Results,” make sure users know what to do next. Experiment with different texts and placements to see what works best.

Goal Solution
Increasing Sales
  • Strong CTAs: Use clear and compelling CTAs like “Shop Now” or “Buy Now.”
  • Prominent Placement: Ensure CTAs are prominently placed and easy to find.
Gathering Customer Data
  • Data-Driven CTAs: Encourage users to provide more information with CTAs like “Tell Us More” or “Complete Your Profile.”
  • Lead Magnets: Offer incentives for sharing data, such as discounts or free samples.
Engaging Your Audience
  • Engagement CTAs: Use CTAs that encourage further interaction, like “Take Another Quiz” or “Read More Tips.”
  • Social Sharing: Include CTAs that prompt users to share their results on social media.


💡Tip: You can change the text of any button or CTA in your Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz in the Quiz Settings > Messages section or directly in each question settings.


💌 No Follow-Up

The interaction shouldn’t end with the quiz results. If you don’t follow up, you miss out on potential sales and customer relationships.


Have a follow-up plan. Send personalized emails with the quiz results, product recommendations, and special offers.

Use retargeting ads to remind users about their quiz results and encourage them to come back.

Goal Solution
Increasing Sales
  • Email Follow-Ups: Send personalized emails with product recommendations based on quiz results.
  • Special Offers: Include exclusive discounts or offers in the follow-up to encourage purchases.
Gathering Customer Data
  • Survey Follow-Ups: Send follow-up surveys to gather more detailed customer insights.
  • Profile Completion: Encourage users to complete their profiles with follow-up emails.
Engaging Your Audience
  • Content Follow-Ups: Provide additional content related to the quiz results, like blog posts or videos.
  • Engagement Reminders: Use follow-up emails to remind users of their quiz results and encourage further interaction.


💡Tip: With Shop Quiz: Product Recommendation Quiz you can send follow-up emails to quiz takers directly from the app or connect the quiz to your CRM and set up a post-quiz email flow there.


Key Takeaways

A well-made product quiz can be a game-changer for your online store. By avoiding these common mistakes and continually improving your quiz, you can create a better experience for your users and drive more sales. Here are the main points to keep in mind:

✔️ Know who you are targeting and tailor your quiz to meet their needs.

✔️ Define what you want to achieve with your quiz, whether it’s increasing sales, gathering customer data, or engaging your audience.

✔️ Ensure the quiz provides personalized recommendations and results that resonate with each user.

✔️ Use interactive and fun elements to keep users interested and encourage them to complete the quiz.

✔️ Use clear and compelling calls to action to guide users towards the desired outcome.

✔️ Have a plan for post-quiz engagement, including follow-up emails and special offers.

At RevenueHunt, we help e-commerce businesses create quizzes that really convert. Get in touch with us today to learn how we can help you turn your quiz into a powerful sales tool.