Shop App (Shopify)

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Shop by Shopify

We’re pleased to announce our Shop Quiz: Product Recommender quiz app has been selected as the go-to quiz solution for Shop — Shopify’s new mobile commerce app, available for both Android and iOS.

Designed to enhance the shopping experience, it allows users to discover and purchase items with ease. Shop provides a personalized interface, showcasing a wide array of products from Shopify-powered stores. Its seamless integration ensures a convenient and secure checkout process, making it an essential app for modern consumers.


During the initial roll-out phase, this feature will be available to eligible merchants. Stay tuned for widespread availability!

Automatic Enabling

Good news—you don’t have to lift a finger to enable this feature! Once the integration is live, an entry point will automatically appear on your Shop page.

We’ll activate your Shop Quiz automatically if you meet the following conditions:
– Your quiz is recommending products that are available for sale in the Shop app channel
– Your quiz does not have a mandatory email question. It’s OK if the email question is optional, but unfortunately, Shop does not allow for mandatory email questions
– Your quiz does not have a phone number question, as Shop does not allow for phone number questions

Default Quiz Selection

Choosing which quiz your customers see is as simple as selecting your preferred quiz from the dropdown menu on our main dashboard.

Current Feature Limitations

We aim to provide a seamless user experience, but please note that the phone number slide is temporarily unavailable. We’re working hard to bring this feature soon.

Feature nor active? Activate it from App Settings

If the feature has not been activated automatically, you can set it up from the App Settings > Shop App menu.

Selecting the quiz for your Shop store

The quiz that will be displayed on your Shop store will be the one you set as default. You will identify the “default” quiz as the one that has a small star on the top right section of the icon:


You can set a quiz as default from the dashboard’s quizzes dropdown menu:


New to quiz building?

Check out our FAQ section for more resources on getting started with recommendation quizzes.

Table of Contents

Install the app and get started today

Add a Product Recommendation Quiz on your store and start offering a personalized shopping experience